Sollievo is the app designed to help you in a scientific and concrete way to relax and feel better, thanks to self-hypnosis, starting from a condition of emotional or relational discomfort. Or simply because you want to carve out a moment of calm.
Self-hypnosis is a natural (but not ordinary) state in which your mind withdraws attention from the outside and focuses it on one or more ideas or images, obtaining scientifically known and proven emotional and physiological changes.
The app gives access to more than 70 hypnotic audios divided into categories: Relaxation (to relax in different ways), Anxiety (to manage different forms of anxiety), Specific fears (for some of the most common phobias), Sadness (for mood), Excessive thinking (to avoid sinking into the mind), Compulsions and addictions (to help defuse automatisms and habits), Self-esteem (to perceive one's value and avoid sabotaging oneself), Relationships (for problems and couple's affairs), Physical pain (to soothe acute or chronic suffering).
Sollievo was created by Relief, the first rapid psychological relief service for everyday emotional emergencies. In Milan live and everywhere online.
All hypnotic audios were created and recorded by Dr. Alessandro Calderoni, psychologist and psychotherapist (OPL16615), founder of Relief.
Although these files technically constitute a valid personal aid, based on scientific literature and clinical experience, the app and its contents cannot replace psychotherapy or medical treatment.