At OEF MOSSOS you will find up-to-date and quality teaching materials that will help you in your preparation for the Mossos d'Esquadra exams. Specifically, we put at your disposal more than 5,000 tests, the syllabus, podcasts of all topics, mock exams, exam models from recent years, and personalized study tips based on your performance when taking the tests
> What is the purpose of this APP?
Put tools at your disposal that facilitate your study task and the assimilation of content. For this reason we have designed a very visual environment, which facilitates retention. In addition, in the "History and tips" section, you can see your history (tests taken, grades you got, questions you failed), detect your areas of improvement and, following the directions we give you "Tips" section, be aware of how you should work.
> How is this APP organized?
We have divided the application into oppositions and, each of them, into modules.
Within the Agent opposition, you will find 6 modules: Area A (knowledge of the environment), Area B (institutional), Area C (security and police), Area D (culture and current affairs), Area A simulations, B, C and D mixed, and Exams from previous years.
Within each Module is where the study materials are. These materials are grouped into 2 types: training resources (among which you will find: syllabus and podcasts-reading of the topic) and resources to test yourself (among which you will find: interactive tests grouped by topics, drills by areas , global mocks, actual exams from previous years...)
> How to dispose of the materials for each module?
In order to have access to the resources of each module, you must subscribe and pay the amount indicated.
All modules are independent, which is why you can subscribe to one or all modules. Our recommendation is that you subscribe to all of them, but you don't have to at the same time: you start with scope A; when you have worked it well, continue through area B; when you check A and B, go for C... And so until you finish with the last module, the previous years' Exams module.
> How much will I have to pay?
Our mobile application is a subscription application, where you will be charged periodically until you unsubscribe.
With monthly mode, automatic charges will be made every month until you unsubscribe.
If it is quarterly, automatic charges will be made every 3 months until you unsubscribe.
If it is half-yearly, automatic charges will be made every 6 months until you unsubscribe.
If it's annual, you'll be automatically charged every year until you unsubscribe.
> Do I have to wait until day 1 to register?
no You can enroll whenever you want.
The billing periods do not correspond to calendar months / quarters / semesters / year; therefore, you don't have to wait until the 1st of the month to register. If you register on the 14th of a month, and choose a monthly subscription, the billing period will run from the 14th of the current month to the 13th of the following month.
> How can I unsubscribe?
You must take the leave yourself; we can't do it. It is your responsibility.
Android: in our app, left menu, "Subscriptions" section, "Cancel subscription".
iOS: in your own mobile, "Settings", section "Subscriptions", "Cancel subscription".
When you have done so, you will receive a confirmation email indicating that you have successfully unsubscribed.
Make sure you keep in mind the maximum dates to unsubscribe if you don't want the next quota to be passed on to you (we indicate them specifically in the purchase email and in the periodic renewal emails); access is always 48 hours before.
IMPORTANT Legal note: OEF Mossos is not a government organization and does not represent any government. The application is not affiliated with or sponsored by any government entity or any of its affiliates. The official Mossos website is