Multi Face Blender

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15,4 ming ta sharh
1 mln+
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Try several face photos synthesize easily.

Intermediate stage of my face and celebrities, what does he look like?
If you synthesize with all favorite celebrity, what does he look like?
I want only certain parts to synthesize face. Is there a way to easily?

If you've done this idea, here is the app you've been looking for.

Combine multiple face to face as you want quickly and easily merges .
Are wondering how to do it?
Proceed as follows: And you are an expert in this synthesis .

1 . Please select the desired faces of a number .
2 . More alike who want to adjust. Easily adjustable.
3 . Please use the eraser. It's possible, except for certain areas synthesis.
4 . You want to change the skin color? Brightness, brightness, saturation and so easily could change .
5 . Finger roughly rubbed several times and then complete the miraculous picture!

Q: I can not recognize faces.
A: Most face recognition, but sometimes there is a photograph of the face can not detect. However, you can manually adjust the location of the subject's face .

Q: face, eyes, mouth, nose area was the synthesis of a well . But a bit annoying howl and background .
A: Please make good use of the eraser mode ! Size, transparency control by hand, please delete the unwanted part. After that, nice picture appears like a real photo!
If you make good use of the eraser mode, output photo result will be awesome.

Multi Face blender has the following features.
- Face Morph : morph to another face
- Blending face.
- Automatic Face Recognition
- You can easily specify a synthetic point
- Hue, Saturation, Contrast, Brightness Adjustable
- Combine the specific area : Switch eye, nose, mouth

This app use the read / write permissions to external storage (SD card).
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : Use to read the cache file of the photo or photos you want to edit.
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : Used to record the edited photos or cache files.
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-mar, 2024

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Nima yangiliklar

- Android 14 compatibility
- Gallery Change: Starting from Android 13, we will not be using the default gallery provided. Instead, we will be using the Photo Picker provided by Android for enhanced security. Therefore, starting from Android 13, the permission to read photos is no longer required.
- Minor bug fixes
- Added : Default Gallery
- Minor bug fixes
- Minor bug fixes