In day-to-day life, we face different issues or problems. Problems could be medical or non-medical. But when it's a medical emergency then we hardly get any solution. Sometimes spending money also, can't buy a bottle of blood.
There is not a single social media platform that is currently addressing this issue.
Hence, we launched “Help The Universe”. This is a community-building social networking platform that will give access to your nearby like-minded people and get help from them.
There are two ways users can use our application:
Community Forum: This forum is basically to create or follow a particular community. Inside the community forum, upon selecting a specific community, the interface will now present two distinct sections:
1. Community Engagements: Here, users are free to engage in a wide range of community-related activities.
Reflecting the dynamics of real-world communities, these activities mirror our day-to-day interactions: a. Community Discussion, Community Celebrations, Social Gatherings Support etc.
These diverse activities are presented as topics, enabling users to initiate discussions across different tabs, each aligned with a specific theme. Notably, this unique feature sets us apart from other social platforms
A community also means users can ask for help from a community. Now there are two ways to avail of this particular feature.
a. User can create their own community and ask for help in that community itself
2. HELP Button: A dedicated space intended for seeking community-driven assistance or help on a variety of matters.
How to use this feature:
Forums->Community-> Create Community. Users can create a community by clicking the plus button.
Forums-> Community, you’ll find groups (List) of communities -> Find your community. Click to enter. Once the user enters then to ask for help click on the plus button (bottom right corner)
You will see two options appears.
First one:
"Admin Post"- Admin can send Admin post. Access is global. .
Second one:
"Need help"- Admin also can send local post.
b. User can follow any community by clicking the follow button
Open Forum: This feature is primarily tailored to provide rapid assistance from nearby users, without the need to establish or join any specific community. The system employs your location data to create a virtual circle (which is why we've made location information mandatory during sign-up). Initially, this circle has a default radius of 150 kilometres,
You don't need to be a part of any group or community to avail this feature.
How to use this feature:
There are two ways you can access this feature.
a. Shortcut: Once you open the app at the bottom you will find "Need help". Click on this and shoot your questions. When u submit, It reaches to open forum.
How to see my question/query, where it posted: Goto Forums->Forum-> Open forum.
b. Another way to ask questions in an open forum is Goto Forums->Forum-> Open forum. You will find a plus button at bottom right corner. Click on this and shoot your questions.
How to see my question where it posted: Goto Forums->Forum-> Open forum.
Other features of Help The Universe:
Find friends, & photos in your social network
Keeping up with friends is faster and easier than ever. Share updates and photos, engage with friends and Pages and stay connected to communities important to you.
Additionally, users can now share audio and video content within group chats.
In the profile editing section, we've included two new buttons:
1. "Share App" Button: Introducing the "Share App" option, which facilitates sharing the app with your acquaintances effortlessly.
2. "Notifications": we've incorporated notifications across all forum pages, ensuring you stay informed.
Lastly, we've streamlined the process of sharing your community with friends: Community forum -> Community name -> Community description -> Share community profile.