Add and subtract hours, minutes, second, frames.
You can set frames per second.
This app helps you do math with time. For example you can enter:
30 minutes + 55 minutes =
and get the result:
1 hours 15 minutes
Another adding example:
4 hours 30 minutes + 5 hours 45 minutes =
10 hours 15 minutes
You can normalize a time too. For example, if you enter
72 hours =
you will get:
3 days
Lets say you have to be somewhere at 9:30 and it will take 4 hours to get there. When should you leave?
9 hours 30 minutes - 4 hours =
will tell you:
5 hours 30 minutes
or 5:30
If you have a shot that's 100 frames and another that's 200 frames... how long is that?
100 frames + 200 frames =
is what to enter.
You can change the number of frames per second by pressing your phone's [Menu] button and selecting "Frames per Second".
*Copy and Paste*
By long-pressing on results (at the top) you can copy and paste.