Krishi Guru

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About this app

अत्यधिक खोजिएको नेपाली कृषि एप । कृषकलाइ कृषि विज्ञ बनाउने कृषि गुरू । प्रयाेग गर्न Install गर्नुहाेस। याे एपका केहि Features हरू एकपटक डाउनलाेड गरेपछि Offline चलाउन सकिन्छ भने एन सेल काे सिम बाट Data On गरेर चलाउदा कुनै डाटा शुल्क लाग्दैन । तपाइको दैनिक कृषि कर्ममा सहयोग गर्न व्यवसायिक कृषि प्रविधि, मौसम, र बजार अनि ताजा समाचारहरु उपलब्ध छन । तपाइले विउ, मल, विषादी तथा मेशिनरी सामान कसरी प्रयोग गर्ने देखि कहाँ पाइन्छ सम्मको जानकारी सजिलै पाउनुहुन्छ । घरमा केहि बेच्नु छ ? वा केहि किन्नु छ ? कृषि बजारमा ढुक्कले दर्ता गर्नुस । अब दैनिक कृषि एस एम एस तथा कृषि विज्ञ परामर्श सेवा पनि एनसेल सिम बाट प्रयाेग गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ । बोट विरुवा रोग किरा देखे तुरुन्त फोटो सहित विवरण पठाउनुहोस र कृषि विज्ञ बाट सल्लाह पाउनुहोस ।
तपाइ कृषि सहकारी, गाँउपालिका, कृषक तालिम केन्द्र वा कुनै सँस्थामा आबद्ध हुनुहुन्छ भने सँस्था दर्ता गर्नुहोस र कृषकहरुलाइ सजिलो तरिकाले सुचना पठाउन थाल्नुहोस ।
Krishi Guru help the farmers in Nepal by sending localised and contextual agriculture information like crop advisory, weather foreacast and market price information. Some of the Features can be used offline after its download while all the features that requires internet can be browse for free of data cost from Ncell Sim Card. It has more than 100 package of practices of commercial vegetable, cereals, medicinal plants, floriculture, cash crops, Livestocks and Poultry farming. The Krishi Guru platform connects Nepalese farmer to Agriculture Expert, Market traders, Agriculture Institutions, Agriculture Input suppliers and Fellow Farmers. Fresh Agriculture news, Agriculture Training information and Subsidy information are available only in Krishi Guru. Daily Agri SMS along with Agri Expert Consultation is one of the popular service where farmer can subscribe different agriculture contents. As per the subscription, they receive daily Agri SMS and they are able to Consult agriculture expert by sending picture of diseased crops. The overall impact goal of this platform is to improve the livelihood of small holder farmers by equipping them with technology and knowledge to improve yields, provide reliable markets, manage their risks and achieve a more sustainable, food-secure future.
Updated on
Dec 21, 2022

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Ratings and reviews

546 reviews
subash tamang
August 2, 2020
I was developing my final project for agriculture web api and this application piqued my interest with such fascinating features. However, I needed to know the formula how this application calculates the fertilizers required for the field for better crops?? It would be much helpful for my project...
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