GK & CA Real Hindi Quiz Exams By Bhavi Lochab Academy
Practice and improve General Knowledge & Current Affairs by just playing all real govt. jobs exams sets & quiz in Hindi. You can prepare yourself for real govt. job exams to score higher. You will get real exam environment while attempting or playing exam sets or quiz in the GK & CA Real Hindi Quiz Exams Application By Bhavi Lochab Academy.
You will get latest exam and quiz on Current Affairs, All Exam GK, State Wise GK, All Competitive Exam, B1 Exam Special, Govt. Jobs in Hindi. It’s the India’s best GK CA Hindi Exam App. Help you to crack SSC, UPSC, State Exams, Bank PO, Police Constable, PSC, Railways and all other govt. exam job.
Our GK CA app will help you to practice mostly all the exams and quiz free of cost, only B1 Exam Special will ask you to buy the paid subscription to practice for real exam quiz sets.
In this App you can play and view exams of:
- State Wise GK for all Indian states like Rajesthan, Uttar Pradesh (UP), Bihar, Madhya Pradesh (MP), Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand, harkhand and all other states of India in Hindi.
- B1 Exam Special will help you to practice all the Delhi police exams old and latest, it will help you to score the best in exam, get the best practice to crack the exam, help you to increase the percentage of getting the job.
- All Exam GK exam sets and quiz of all topics related with govt. jobs and all other related topics like geography, computer, history, politics, sports, economics, law etc.
- Current Affairs based quiz exam sets based on years and months including all hot current affairs questions, which help you to crack all the govt. job exam and score higher.
- All Competitive Exam will let you practice all the old are latest real govt. exam sets to help you to get ready for exam in real exam environment. Exam sets like SSC, UPSC, State Exams, Bank PO, Police Constable, PSC, Railways and all other govt. exam job sets.
- Govt. Jobs will update you about all the current and upcoming govt. jobs exams, registration process, number of jobs, number of posts, qualifications, results, related updates, etc.
This GK CA app includes many questions and we are keep adding more, all that you can play with internet connection.
We are adding more and more questions and exam sets in the entire categories like Indian History, science, computer and technologies and sport question.
So Let's play GK CA quiz exam real game and improve your knowledge and be ready to score higher in all the govt. job exams.
Terms & Condition
By registering with our app, you are accepting all the terms and condition of the app.
- All questions or sets are there in the app with the best available info, still if there is anything wrong in any question or set then the app will not be responsible for that.
- After making payment for any subscription, the payment will not be refunded to any user.
- By making payment for any subscription, you will get access for a certain time as per the subscription for available questions or sets in the app.
- Making payment in the hope that more questions or sets will come in app, it will be your call. Adding question or sets depends upon app admin, they will add whenever they want. Once payment done it will not be refunded.
- App is new currently, so admin team will start adding more questions and sets from September in all sections.
- For any query or clarification about questions or sets, you can send email on gkcaquizapp@gmail.com