Have you had fun with Fiaspo? How about starting to save on your purchases with this free APP that it makes available to you?
Cheapest by Fiaspo compares the prices of products from various online stores, so you get the best price and don't waste time looking elsewhere.
Cheaper by Fiaspo works fully automatically. When browsing online stores, on the product page, the Cheapest by Fiaspo icon appears with information about the price of the product so you can always save money.
By clicking on the information you will have access to price comparison of products from different stores and have the power of choice in your purchases.
Have a great time.
This app uses Accessibility features, automatically collects and processes information from apps that you view where there may be products and stores to be compared or discount coupons presented. For example, it collects and processes the URL, page metadata and limited content of the mapped applications and websites of online stores that you are currently visiting for price comparison or discount coupon presentation. We do not collect information such as browsing history and data that could identify the user.