Mount Everest Story - Mountain

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Ekran görüntüsü resmi
Ekran görüntüsü resmi
Ekran görüntüsü resmi
Ekran görüntüsü resmi
Ekran görüntüsü resmi
Ekran görüntüsü resmi
Ekran görüntüsü resmi
Ekran görüntüsü resmi
Ekran görüntüsü resmi
Ekran görüntüsü resmi

Bu oyun hakkında

Can you get your team to the top of Mount Everest?
This amazing Everest climbing simulation game dares you!
Battle the cold, the thin atmosphere, the wind and the snow! Do your best to avoid debilitating medical conditions! React to dramatic and dynamic weather conditions! Stay alive in the death zone!
The higher you climb Mount Everest, the more points you will score! But keep your team rested and in good health. There are severe penalties for injuries.

Mount Everest Story Features:
- Awesome mountain climbing sim
- Unique strategic planning challenges
- Superb attention to detail and realism
- Brilliantly designed mountaineering gameplay
- Simulated concepts include weather, preparation, acclimatization, morale, health, rescuing and much more.

Get your team, your supplies and your nerve together as you plan your team´s expedition to the top of the highest mountain in the world! Can you handle the job of being the expedition leader?

Welcome to base camp!


This strategy game is inspired by the bestselling novel "Into Thin Air". By Jon Krakauer.
Güncellenme tarihi
1 Mar 2024

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Minor fixes.