Dinosaur Run – Race Master

1,97 ming ta sharh
500 ming+
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Hamma uchun

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Dino is a tiny little dinosaur that just broke out of his egg shell and as every child he is really curious. He can barely wait to learn new things about the world that surrounds him. At first look it seems like Dino has been born on an exotic island with big palms and a breath taking landscape, basically a real paradise, but he will very soon have to learn that it is a really dangerous place to live in.
Help him explore this apparently peaceful island made of hexagonal stone bridges, some sort of holy portals left behind from an ancient civilization, small burning volcanoes and big rocks. Test your reflexes as you race along the bridges. Swipe to turn, jump and somersault to avoid obstacles, collect coconuts and see how far you can run!
All your abilities will be required to dodge all the obstacles on your path. Run, skip and evade all the objects that can hinder this brave dinosaur puppy in his exploration of this mystic temple island. Every false step or collision could hurt him or even bring him to death.
Remember to pay attention to the precipices (cliffs) as you are surrounded from water and Dino has not learned to swim yet.


★ Easy touch and tilt control
★ Original 3D-run function combines jumping, turning, and sliding.
★ Colorful graphics and smooth animations
★ One of the coolest dinosaurs app to play with!
★ The never-ending mega game
★ Time change like: Night, day, sun rise, sun set and moon

Help this sweet little prehistoric monster to surpass all the risky situations that he will encounter.

If you like racing, stunts, sprint, adventure and action games in general then you will definitely love this one.

This great game is an exceptional time killer that you can play everywhere. Enjoy it while having a break at work, at school, while waiting at the bus stop / subway station or simply to have a good time.

3, 2, 1 go! Start your running adventure!
Oxirgi yangilanish
3-apr, 2023

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