Subscriber Details Record (SDR) offline search tool requires database in SQLite format.
It displays the Name, Address, Activation Date, Current Circle & Operator of a Mobile Number.
Note: We do not provide the SDR Database. User has to create the database by using below mentioned details.
1. Create SQLite database using following schema...
Table [<5 digit MSC code>], Fields = [ID]: INTEGER (Primary, Auto-Increment), [Number]: CHAR, [Name]: CHAR, [Address]: CHAR, [Date]: DATE, [Circle]: INT, [Operator]: INT
Table [android_metadata], Fields = [locale]: TEXT DEFAULT '''en_US''' (One record containing default value)
2. Import data from the file received from respective operator.
3. Name the database file according to it's MCC-MNC codes.
(i.e. Mumbai Vodafone.db)