You can earn money just by using the keyboard?
Now every conversation we have makes money!
The easiest money-making app, Money Keyboard
Money-making games, app tech, earning pocket money, and purchasing Naver Pay with points are possible on Money Keyboard!
Easy money making app
Stop accepting pocket money anymore!
With various contents such as character missions and money-making games,
You can make money freely!
Gifticon for free purchase
As expected from a money-making app, various gifticons are available.
You can purchase it for free!
Have you seen app tech this easy?
Free money making game
Accumulate cash points and earn pocket money while playing money-making games!
No more stocks, coins, or part-time jobs!
Earn money the easy way through Money Keyboard.
-An app that allows you to accumulate a lot of points
-Cash that can be used like cash
-An app to easily earn pocket money
-Provide referral rewards
-An app that can be used by people of all ages and genders
X Rest assured that you do not collect personal data x
Money Keyboard places the highest priority on protecting users' personal information. The personal information collection phrase displayed when installing the app is Android's default system phrase and is the same in all keyboard apps. In reality, no personal information is collected and safe use is guaranteed.
[Money Keyboard Permission Information]
- Photo/Media/File Permission (Required) Required to set a photo background for the keyboard.
- Microphone/audio recording permission (required) is required to use the translation voice input function.
- To maintain phone (required) authentication, access to device information is required.