Short Description of the Book.
According to the Uqud language, it means bond and Al-Juman means jewel. So, Uquudul Jumaan is a bond or link in a chain of jewels.
Uqudul Juman is a book that contains Amaliah's daily guidance.
Contents of the Book
- Daily practice (Qodiriyah Naqsyabandiyah Tarekat Dhikr Guide).
- Dhikr Khataman Tarekat Qodiriyah Naqsyabandiyah
- Tawasul Tarekat Qodiriyah Naqsyabandiyah
- Lineage that teaches Islam Tarekat Qodiriyah Naqsyabandiyah
Book Description
This book is titled like that because it contains daily dhikr, khataman, wirid, tawassul and genealogies that teach Islam (Thariqah Qadiriyyah Naqsyabandiyyah)
Initially the teachings contained in the Book of Uquudul Jumaan were conveyed by KH. Sheikh Abdullah Mubarok bin Nur Muhammad through lectures.
Application Features:
Apart from what is stated above, in this application there is also a notes menu which is intended for storing small notes, and also the aim of this application is to make it easier to preach, understand and practice the teachings of TQN.
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