Kubeterm is a well-designed GUI client used to manage kubernetes resources and helm applications from anywhere with a single app. Many public cloud providers are supported, including AWS, Azure, Google cloud platform, DigitalOcean, etc.
The features include:
• Connect and manage your clusters easily and safely - Simply by login your account of public cloud provider, or using an access credentials, you will be able to import cluster configuration and manage the cluster easily. Any credential for cluster access is only stored on user's device locally.
• View resource details - List kubernetes resources and describe resource, full resource details are provide just like you can see from *kubectl describe*, no anything missing. And you can also navigate between related resources quickly.
• Resource operation - Perform most of common operations on resources, including creating new resource, updating and deleting resource, scaling and restart workload, node cordon or drain, pause or resume cronjob etc.
• Troubleshooting action - You can easily debug cluster resources by kubeterm, such as checking container's log, attaching or running shell on pod, and debugging a pod by running an additional debugging container, etc.
• Helm support - Support to manage helm release, list release and its resource status, install, upgrade, rollback and uninstall helm release, etc.
• Accessibility - Supports dark mode, font size adjustment, etc.
Welcome, appreciate your feedback, thanks.
Learn more about kubeterm:
Privacy policy: https://www.kubeterm.com/privacy
Terms and Conditions: https://www.kubeterm.com/terms