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The new Blue Sky Wireless LED Bluetooth® Smart Sync Bulb + Speaker converts your old, incandescent lights into smart lighting with a virtual surround sound stage right in your own home! You can add virtual surround sound by connecting up to 12 bulbs in any space.

• Play music wirelessly from any iPhone, iPad or iPod touch
• Transform your home's atmosphere with over 50+ colors
• Premium Quality & Virtual Surround Sound
• Choose from White & over 50 colors
• Colors Dance to the Beat
• App lets you Flash, Strobe, Fade and Glow
• Connect to the built-in speaker from any smart device
• Recessed Lighting Compatible & Dimmable (via app only)
Oxirgi yangilanish
8-dek, 2017

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• Performance updates to the interface
• Various bug fixes
• Lighting presets updated to match instruction manual
• Increased compatibility with Android v4-v7