Nadia Vandari
Register and activate the account, but can't login no matter what. It's always "Oops! Something is wrong. Please try again later." The email and password is right, it's just the apps that is wrong. What good is an app if I can't login and use it at all? 1 star until the issue is fixed
6 people found this review helpful
July 28, 2021
Yth Ibu Nadia,Terimakasih untuk review-nya, mohon informasinya apakah hingga saat ini masih mengalami kendala akses ebenefit? Jika terdapat kendala pelayanan kembali mohon disampaikan detailnya ke alamat email Salam, LippoInsurance
Irwan Nugraha
- when i am in the chat with the doctor then switch to other apps or my screen turned off, when i go back to the apps it didn't go straight to the previous chat, i must filled in the form again. - if one of the meds are out of stock, i can't choose an alternative store
2 people found this review helpful