At Lulubit you can buy and sell Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, MATIC and more cryptocurrencies in Panama and Guatemala from all Banks.
Earn up to 7% annually with your cryptocurrencies at Lulubit. Request a Lulucard: pay in stores and online stores with your cryptocurrencies. Withdraw from platforms such as PayPal, Wise, etc. and charge in the USA directly to Lulubit.
Send at no cost from your bank in Panama and Guatemala with immediate ACH and ACH Xpress transfers!
Send and Receive Crypto Transfers instantly from other Wallets, Exchanges and other Lulubit users. Send and receive from Binance, BingX, Deriv and other platforms to Lulubit.
From your bank to Lulubit, from Lulubit to your bank.
Deposit into your account by transferring from your online banking. Deposit dollars and use them to buy cryptocurrencies. Sell cryptocurrencies and receive dollars at no cost in your bank.
Buy cryptocurrencies
It operates 24 hours a day with no time limit.
Buy a fraction of cryptocurrencies.
Prices in real time and available 24 hours a day.
Request your Lulucard Mastercard card to buy in all businesses and online stores in the world directly, debiting the cryptocurrencies you have in Lulubit.
Earn up to 7% annually for the coins you have in the Lulubit App. Your funds will always be available, and as long as you don't use them, they will generate profits.
Virtual Account in the United States
Open a virtual deposit account in the United States and receive payments, transfers, remittances and withdraw from PayPal, Payoneer, Wise, etc. and receive it in minutes at Lulubit.
How to start?
1. Register with your email and validate your account in simple steps.
3. Deposit: Enter dollars from your bank or receive cryptocurrencies from any wallet or exchange.
4. Buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, Stablecoins and more than 20 cryptocurrencies.
5. Sell and Withdraw: Convert your crypto into fiat and withdraw to your bank account or another cryptocurrency platform.
Trading on Lulubit is Free. No maintenance costs.
We are the bridge between your bank and your crypto. Welcome to Lulubit.
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We are the crypto community of Panama and Guatemala and we want you to be part of it to help enhance your knowledge and connect with other users.
Do you want to learn more about cryptocurrencies?
Go to and learn about cryptocurrencies and how to operate. Find tutorials on how to operate between your exchanges, trading platforms, forex and other wallets with Lulubit.