Push Roll

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26,8 ming ta sharh
1 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov
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Push Roll is a simple but very addictive puzzle game.
The goal is to remove all the creatures from the board.
This can be achieved by sliding the creatures against one another. As you push the creatures, you will be given a chance to unlock bonuses and gain coins.
As you accumulate coins, you will be able to unlock level packs and various hidden features in the game bonus store.

Each of the 300 levels requires logic, skill, and patience. Do you have what it takes to remove all the creatures from all the various worlds ?

Push Roll will provide you with hours of fun. Will you be able to find a way to solve all the challenging puzzles ?

We are committed to updating the game on a regular basis with new and challenging levels.

Get this FREE android game today !

Don't be scared by the Push Roll creatures. They love to play !
Oxirgi yangilanish
25-iyn, 2018

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26 ming ta sharh

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Visual Adjustments