By Joel find businesses near you and take advantage of exclusive promo! Please select the category of your interest, find a promo for you, create your voucher and show it to the operator. In addition, Joel rewards your loyalty by gathering Points & Prizes: Each voucher valid points assigns you used to apply for great prizes! To reach the minimum threshold of 250 points to get your first prize is easy: 90% of the promo gives you 50 points; Moreover, it gives you Joel 50 to register!
By Joel takes 5 steps to access the convenience:
1. Browse promotions
2. Create a voucher for free
3. Use your voucher showing it to the operator
4. Get points
5. Request your rewards
Enter the world of Joel:
Find the business you are looking for by selecting the category of your interest: the results are pinpointed, the closest to you appear first merchants. You have at your disposal all information and the contact details and find out if there are active promo.
Even the promos are divided into categories: choose the one of your interest from the menu and verify the number of vouchers available, the operator, the award credits and the expiration date.
Each voucher used assigns you some valid points to get prizes: in the Rewards section you can find your balance point and a catalog full awards. Get your first prize is simple: it takes 250 points (to Joel recording it gives you 50!).
The section Voucher vouchers downloaded valid. Each voucher contains the following information: your name, the operator and promo connected, the QR code associated with code points assigned to the redemption deadline. To use the voucher is enough to show it to the operator.
Manage information about your account. Here is the notification center, the list of your favorites (news, exhibitors and promo), the redemption goods. Upon reaching the minimum threshold of 250 points, you can redeem your prize of this section and present you with your personal voucher indicated by the operator to withdraw the charge.