nifty game, the dragons are cool and it's very rewarding to leave the game running while you go do something else. the load times are kinda ridiculous though. I have a fairly fast phone but still it pauses the entire game and takes 20-30 seconds to load every so often. sometimes it gets stuck in loading loops and I can't do anything except close the app
14 people found this review helpful
Taking too long to load? We want you playing our game as soon as possible! Please contact our support team @ https://customer.withhive.com/ask and see if they help!
Linda Hogenson
I played this game way longer than I should have. I like dragons. And this game has good visuals, as well as consistent rewards and checkpoints that make you feel like you're still progressing. I liked the game. But it's a pay to win. Progression is SOOO slow, and you can't catch up without spending hundreds of real dollars. I cant afford a $25 purchase for a single legendary dragon. If I want to pay that much for a game, I'll buy something bigger that I can own after paying for it.
23 people found this review helpful
Thank you for your feedback and we apologize for any frustration. We will make sure to relay your comments to our developers so they can consider it for our future updates. Thank you.
A Google user
It seems like a good game from otger reviews but i am unable to enter the game because "server conection instable" even though i am directly next to WIFI connection. I might be dumb and it's with service, but i don't think that has anything to do with it when i have an assured WIFI connection. 2 bars fyi. If it is the connection, the servers need to be expanded so that everyone can play.
1 person found this review helpful
We are sorry to hear you're having trouble getting into the game! Please try closing the game and reopening it. If you are still having problems accessing the game, please send us an HIVE 1:1 inquiry for further assistance. Thank you!