This application presents some actuarial values based on United States Social Security Administration cohort mortality tables. Cohort mortality tables take into account an individual's year of birth as well as age. A link to the information source is supplied below.
1. Enter the year of birth, age as of which the values should be calculated, and an annual percent rate of interest for discounting values to that age.
2. Touch the Press to Calculate button to update the values.
Results, shown separately for females and males, are the expected age at death, the lump sum equivalent of a lifetime annuity of 1,000 per month starting immediately (annuity due), and the lump sum equivalent of a payment of 1,000 at time of death. Lump sum values are as of the age entered in step 1.
For amounts other than 1,000, just multiply the calculated values accordingly.
The graph on the second tab (referred to as a survival curve) illustrates the probability an individual with the entered year of birth and assumed age surviving to future ages.Touching and pressing on the curve will display the value touched.
Please keep in mind that the values provided are statistical in nature and based on averages across a broad population. The information cannot be used to predict a specific individual mortality since that will depend on personal circumstances such as overall health, lifestyle, random events, and so on.<
Insurance company product pricing is most often based upon proprietary mortality assumptions derived from the individual company's own experience, and will differ from general population mortality.
The mortality tables used here are from the 2023 Trustee Report using intermediate assumptions. The tables and much more technical information, are available at the website:
This application is not endorsed or certified by any governmental agency, and is supplied for educational use only.