With the free My Solar Family app you can find out everything about GSE incentives for Energy Account, SSP On-Site Metering and RID Dedicated Withdrawal and evaluate the performance of your photovoltaic system without having to purchase or install any device!
The My Solar Family app allows you to:
- Check the GSE incentives, the SSP contribution and the RID payments you can receive
- Monitor and estimate the productivity results of your plant
(for SSP only and RID only systems the app will require the insertion of the auto-reading)
- Compare energy production data with those near you, to find out if you are among the best in your area
(for SSP only and RID only systems the app will require the insertion of the auto-reading)
- Participate in the My Solar Family community where you can freely compare yourself with other owners of photovoltaic systems and always stay up to date on all the news from the world of energy.
Furthermore, with Premium services you can:
- Conveniently keep track of all received and incoming payments
- Evaluate the actual recovery of the investment made for your photovoltaic system
- Have a report with all the information on energy bill incentives, SSP contributions, benefits... and much more.
You too can join the My Solar Family community! We are waiting for you!
My Solar Family is a project co-financed under the POR FESR Sardinia 2014-2020: https://mysolarfamily.com/por-fesr-sardegna-2014-2020
For any information regarding the app and the activities carried out by My Solar Family, visit our website.
>> https://www.mysolarfamily.com
You can also find us on the main social networks!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/My-Solar-Family-1416223822015847/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5NoH8KNhH_3NoBYwXWRpeg