Discover the true power of your device with photo-realistic graphics and compare performance with others!
Why Seascape Benchmark?
• Gaming Performance: Choose the best gaming smartphone or tablet with confidence.
• Realistic Graphics: Experience dynamic ocean scenes with OpenGL ES 3.1 + AEP, rendering over 3M triangles per frame.
• Comprehensive Metrics: Get detailed performance info with min, max, & average FPS, frame time chart, and device temperature changes.
• Dynamic Ocean: Benchmark with realistic weather conditions like regular and storm waves.
• Free Camera Mode: Fly around and explore the sea, foam, and rocks from different angles.
• Performance Metrics: Monitor GPU & CPU load, battery & device temperature.
• Advanced Graphics Support: Test OpenGL ES 3.1 + AEP, tessellation, compute shaders, HDR textures, texture arrays, instancing, MRT, GPU timers, ray-casting, and deferred rendering.
• Shareable Reports: Get a detailed report with metrics & charts, shareable as an image on social networks.
Technical Details:
• Ocean surface created using inverse FFT on the JONSWAP spectrum with compute shaders.
• Foam layers utilize jacobian + temporal blurring for slow dissolution.
• Score based on hardware GPU timers for accurate benchmarking.
Note: For consistent score comparisons across devices, use the 1080p mode (default).
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