17 ta sharh
5 ming+
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**What is NekoBox ?**

A free mobile app that combined a curated tool list and a Q&A section for UX / UI Designers and Facilitators.

**What's in NekoBox?**

**A tools collection**, hand picked for their relevance, organized in different categories:

-UX/UI Design







A Q&A section : ask your questions to the community, and, exchange with other members!

### **Why use NekoBox?**

All the tools and inspiration you need, right from your pocket

It's the perfect app to stay up to date and share your knowledge!

### **Submit new tools!**

Do you know have a great tool that you want to share?

Are you an editor and you developed a great tool ? Send us all details and we will publish it!

### **About NekoBox**

NekoBox has been created by two UX / UI Designer & Design Sprint Master passionate about their job.

Looking for tools to help them in their work, and share it with people they know, is something they do on a daily basis.

That's why they thought : why not creating an app so everyone can share their tools and knowledge, and benefit from it?
Oxirgi yangilanish
16-avg, 2021

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17 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

Fixing : adding to favorite and upvoting on a Workshop page