There's a guess gem.
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How to use a fake video call with Habib Alwi Assegaf:
1. Choose an image of Habib Alwi Assegaf
2. Continue to choose what video call voice call reply directly "Start fake" so whatsapp video call
3. Well continue to choose want to call pake Whatsapp, what facebook, what telegram
4. Keep calling! Mudeng?
(jwb: no)
Application Habib Alwi Assegaf There guess the picture
only 2 levels 20 questions
the 4 levels do not yet exist
so 40 more questions
reply want to send guess the picture please, kalo gak ngirim also not papa
Where'd you send it? to jonggol!!!
email aja : sepatusuper5611@gmail.com
The usefulness of fake calls, prank video calls. (let the description look professional).
With this app you can prank your friends as if you were on your favorite artist's phone.
You can also show off with your friends by taking a screenshot during a video call and then sharing it on your social media such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter and others.
Alwi Yoshida Assegaf or known as Alwi Assegaf is an Indonesian actor and child preacher. He was born on February 3, 2006 in Tokyo, Japan. That means alwi has now entered the age of 15 years.
As a child, Alwi was very fond of the world of da'wah. He also aspires to become a ustad when he grows up. So it is no wonder that he is very adept at singing the verses of the Qur'an beautifully. He has also often preached to various parts of Indonesia despite his early age.