Edward Nkoana
This game has alot of potential this are some ideas that i think should be in the game 1. elemant suits for example a red suit shoots fire a dark blue suit shoots ice and green poison also a bigger map 2. Milltary there should be more defence and a place where they stay like in nexees superhero 3.more points to upgrade 4. Buildings pls add more detail 5.cars add more and some more weapons and military cars and a place where u can buy
38 people found this review helpful
Hexx Zero
It's a good game although it crashes a lot. The superhero should have plenty of stamina since all his superpowers consume a lot of it. The energy cost for flying should be greatly reduced to be able to fly for a longer period and distances.
486 people found this review helpful
David Ball
GREAT GAME! W/AWESOME abilities like flying please add suitsNcash maybe hidden thru town ahhPoSsIbIlItIeS. Who?'$ can't wait to see the GOOD's that come with this apps UPdates! & I still try2play even tho when I get him flying N I hit the fist button game freezes & I have to restart it everytime. Hope he gets COOL punch! & kick! Absolutely 💖how his flying abilities unlimited. Hope that never changes. Tuff2find apps thatRnot all about the money.
553 people found this review helpful