Simply create & share any reminder for family and friends with realtime updates.
Achieve much more with the OsuniO mobile app. Share, Create, Edit, Manage your daily Reminders and Tasks from anywhere, at any time along with your family, friends & colleagues.
Routine Reminders
Create recurring events, Reminders you'll never miss! Osunio will keep reminding you of your pending task until you decide what you want to do with it. This can be:
Anniversary & Birthdays Reminder
Now never forget special days for your loved ones
Shopping List Reminder
Share the shopping list using photo attach feature and set a reminder for family.
Medicine Reminder
Set a reminder for your Family and never let them miss their Medicines again.
Party Reminder
Set a reminder for your family to attend parties, get-togethers, family-functions on time, every time
Bill & Dues Payments
Just set reminders either daily, weekly or monthly and never worry about your Phone Bills, Credit Card bills, Monthly Rents, Investments, Collections from Clients.
We have put all our passion into the app's UX/UI. It is our pride and joy - clean, simple, and intuitive.
A calendar to see your list of reminders for a particular day.
**New Feature
Public Calendars like full schedule of IPL Season 2022, FIFA World Cup 2022 and many more can be directly added as reminder for full schedule or personalised.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact our support -, we are always ready to improve!