Timely Calculator allows you to perform arithmetic operations between time spans and numbers! Addition, subtract, multiplication and division are all supported - no ads and completely free.
Timely displays time spans as Hour:Minutes:Seconds with support for decimals and order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS), it can also be used as a normal calculator.
Some examples of what you can do with Timely.
- What pace is required to complete a 12km race in 50 minutes?
50:00 ÷ 12 = 4:10 min/km
- Adding up timesheets for work.
07:30:00 + 01:00:00 + 02:25:00 = 10:55:00
Support for percentage and modulus are provided by the '%' key.
- Percentage calculation
10:00 + 5% = 10:30
- Modulus calculation
50:00:00 % 24:00:00 = 02:00:00
You can tap on the number display to send me feedback if you encounter issues or have feature requests.