Quiz for the Informatics course (AEPP) of the 3rd grade of a General High School. Useful tool for the National Examinations. The application is a good choice for repeating the Theory of the textbook.
First when you download the app, you will need to register in the app by clicking on the option "Not a member? Register here!"
You must enter in the New Registration Form your email and a code (different from the one you have in your email), which should contain at least 6 characters, numbers or symbols and press the Register button.
An email is automatically sent to you (to the email you provided during registration), in which you should click on the link contained inside the email, so that your profile in the application is activated. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam folder. Otherwise email us to see what exactly has happened.
In case you want to log in to the application from another mobile device or if you have logged out and have already registered, then from the Login Form, simply enter the email and the code you have entered in the application and press the Login button.
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Quiz for the Computer Science course (AEPP) of the 3rd grade of General High School. A useful tool for the Panhellenic Examinations. The application is a good choice for reviewing the theory of the book.
Initially when you download the app, you will need to register for the app by clicking on the "Not a member? Register here!"
You must enter your email and a password (different from that you have in your email) in the New Registration Form, which should contain at least 6 characters, numbers or symbols, and click the Registration button.
You will automatically be sent an email (to the email you provided during registration), in which you will need to click the link contained inside the email in order to activate your profile in the application. In case you do not receive the authentication email, check if it has not been put in the spam folder. Otherwise, email us to see what exactly has happened.
In case you want to log in to the app from another mobile device or if you logged out and have already registered, then from the Login Form, simply enter the email and password you have entered in the app and click the Login button.