Bring lovers closer cake. Whether you're keen to make cake or fan number one when it comes to eating, CozoApp is for you.
CozoApp allow local producers to sell cake and lovers to buy.
Whom we address
Lovers cake - you are a true fan cozo, but do not have time to prepare, select I cozo. When lust is irresistible, see who has just removed from the oven type your favorite cake.
Local producers cake - if you cook cake and want to sell pofticioşilor, choose option I Cozo. Leave us your information, add your cakes image in your application, make a concise description of how the product and wait to be contacted eager.
We do not collect your personal data. It is important to let your real data to increase your chances of being contacted by potential buyers.
** To register in category I Cozo, you have no legal restriction (can be local manufacturer unregistered PFA or company). The only condition is that ... do cozo!