iPoe Collection Vol. 2 - Edgar

181 ta sharh
1 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

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iClassics unites the old and the new to create immersive experiences that inspire and move everyone.

After the highly acclaimed and award-winning iPoe Collection Vol.1, iClassics unleashed the equally awe-inspiring iPoe Collection Vol.2.

In this innovative Immersive Entertainment app, a fine selection of macabre tales is lovingly and artistically enhanced with interaction, illustration, animation, FX, and OST.

In this long-awaited second volume, The Black Cat, The Raven and Hop-Frog are given the artistic and technological treatment that iClassics Productions has become renowned for.

By casting a modern glare on a fine selection of Edgar Allan Poe's stories, the result is a spectacular and wholly original experience that utilizes every feature of modern mobile devices (gyro-perspective, flash, vibration).

TILT to reveal what's in the shadows

TOUCH to uncover obscured details

TURN to discover what lurks off the screen

Main features:

*Available in 4 languages: English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
*Enveloping original soundtrack by Teo Grimalt and gathering more than 50 sketches from the acclaimed illustrator David G. Forés.
*Extra: The Edgar Allan Poe Route.

The iPoe Collection (Three Volumes) marked the beginning of iClassics Production's journey, and has now become a classic in its own right, along with a cult following.

Be part of it.


About the iClassics Collection:

The iClassics Collection is a revolutionary collection of book apps where you’ll discover literary classics such as Edgar Allan Poe and Charles Dickens through a unique interactive and immersive experience.

Discover more at www.iclassicscollection.com
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Oxirgi yangilanish
28-avg, 2020

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