Welcome to the most amazing CRM in the automotive marketplace. The world's first Mobile 1st CRM! It utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) and business intelligence (BI) all in one. Auto dealerships have seen a dramatic change over the past decade as internet technology has advanced. Gone are the old days of standing out on the lot waiting for customers, and then spending hours working a deal running ragged all over the dealership.
CarDog’s sleek mobile CRM, is a fully functional CRM that updates alongside the desktop version in real-time. By users having the CRM in the palm of their hand, they have access to every profit center of the dealership. CarDog wanted to harness this power and allow users to best serve their customers from virtually anywhere. The mobile CRM is fully equipped with a driver’s license scanner, VIN scanner, trade-in information, and much more. CarDog stresses that anything that can be done from the desktop version, should be just as easily be done from mobile and have built their app around this idea.