Jordan Block
Somehow the app from the company that operates busses is the slowest for navigating by bus. Arrival times are not consistently accurate. Yes, if the app says 1 minute long enough, it will eventually be correct. Sometimes, it can't even do that and will decide that the bus arrived at some point. If the bus for which you are waiting is actually operating, it will probably arrive within a few minutes of the app claiming it has come and gone.
1 person found this review helpful
Egged Transportation Ltd
November 6, 2022
תודה ג'רודן על תשומת הלב.
David Finson
It's understandable that in a complex service like this you're going to get bugs, what is significantly less understandable is the complete disregard for user experience WHEN (not if) this occurs. Barring rare edge cases the user should get a meaningful explanation and (usually) call to action when something goes wrong. Too bad because the concept itself is awesome. This app however is unstable, counter intuitive and overall a bad user experience.
3 people found this review helpful
Egged Transportation Ltd
July 27, 2022
תודה דוד, העברנו את הערותייך אל צוות הפיתוח.