Radioqu 1089 AM Bogor was present to convey Da'wah messages. The world of da'wah is a world of light and a sea of light that illuminates the body and soul and the universe with the guidance of Rasulullah SAW's message.
The excitement and glitter of a city if not accompanied by the guidance of the Prophet's Risalah will not build morals and humanity. So the message of the Prophet as light must always be presented in tune with the status of the people of Rasulullah SAW as the best people (khoiro ummatin ukhrijat linnasi) presented by Allah to the face of the earth.
Noble for bringing & bringing light to those who need it. All of us feel that the people of Rasulullah SAW should be able to take part in this da'wah task. Whoever we are, the rich, the poor, the clever and the stupid, while the people of Rasulullah SAW, he must participate in goodness and stay away from evil.
Departing from the spirit above the goal setting from the presence of Radioqu 1089 AM Bogor, the creation of a loyal, productive and full of brotherly listening community is eager to continue to improve itself to become the Best People who are loved by Allah SWT.