The biggest joy for an author is when someone reads and likes their creation. Sahityapedia aims at connecting authors & readers by providing them a platform where authors can share their content which can be accessed by readers across the world. While this happens, we at Sahityapedia, take care of providing you even more ways to reach new audience while taking care of the complexities behind the scene.
Through this, authors do not have to worry about reaching new audiences or technical aspects of maintaining an online presence. They can just focus on their content and can utilize their time interacting with their valued readers.
Readers, on the other hand, get access to content written by authors across the world which they can read and enjoy. The content is logically arranged according to authors, categories etc. and it is easy to read the content of their choice.
All the user submitted content posted on Sahityapedia belongs to the respective authors. Once a content is posted by an author, its page is created and author can share its link on social networks or with anyone. The social media buttons allow to do this directly from the website.
Each content post is tied to an author whose author bio is nicely displayed below the post along with a picture. This provides more recognition to authors and also help readers to connect with them.
We constantly work at improving the user experience at Sahityapedia. Hope you will enjoy this journey with us.