Scantrust Enterprise is the fastest way to bring secure traceability to your supply chain by enabling your field operations teams, distributors and supply chain partners to gain real-time product information.
Scantrust Enterprise acts as a bridge between the Scantrust Cloud and your field employees, distributors and partners, enabling them to scan Scantrust secure QR codes to gain real-time track & trace information, perform forensic authentication checks, increase efficiency, drive profitability, and bring transparency to your supply chain.
Create your own ways to leverage the power of Scantrust for the Enterprise and the Scantrust Cloud to solve day-to-day business challenges in the supply chain. Integrate with your existing ERP, MES or CRM system (e.g. SAP, Salesforce, Microsoft, or Oracle) to enhance your existing capabilities.
Deploy anywhere
Secure user login and user permissions
QR code and barcode scanner
Ability to authenticate and activate Scantrust Secure Codes
Track & Trace products at the unit level and visualize product history real-time
Automatically upload “in the field” supply chain data to the Scantrust Cloud and/or ERP for real time business intelligence
Log inspection reports
Printer Calibration & QA for Scantrust Secure QR Codes
*QR Code is a registered trademark of Denso Wave Incorporated.
*The Scantrust Enterprise app is invitation only.