SensyRoc™ is a free application for real-time temperature, strength, and performance monitoring of concrete.
The app wirelessly connects to an easy-to-use SensyRoc™ sensor for the in-place monitoring of concrete after is during and after concrete placement.
With a complete wireless connection, SensyRoc™ can be fully embedded in fresh concrete to record and monitor the temperature, maturity, and compressive strength (According to ASTM standards). The user-friendly sensor continuously measures the temperature and early-age strength developments happening in the concrete after placement. The results are then downloaded & analyzed automatically on the mobile app and can also be shared instantly with anyone in your team.
SensyRoc™ has proven to reduce construction waiting-time by providing instant access to concrete data onsite and without having to wait 3, 7, or 14 days for the conventional lab cylinder-break tests. Additionally, immediate access to concrete strength results allows our you to perform post-tensioning and formwork removal sooner than scheduled, open roads to the public faster and safely, and reduce unnecessary costs associated with delays and other concrete testing lab issues.
SensyRoc™ sensor is applicable for:
➔Real-time monitoring of the temperature & compressive strength developments.
➔Better-manage mass concrete curing with real-time alerts on temperature differentials.
➔Enhance quality and performance of your concrete.
➔Accelerate formwork removal & speed up post-tensioning.
➔Reduce construction waiting time.
➔Save money on time schedule delays.
➔Easily share concrete data and reports.