Until the 80's, the Medical Association of Rondônia (AMR) was always leading all the medical movements that were unleashed in the state and nationally. With the increasing migration of doctors to Rondônia, there was a need to create a medical union that could represent the category in professional clashes, in the struggle for better working conditions, better salaries, and other class demands.
Almost all other health professions already had their unions, however, the Medical Union was lacking. Rondônia was different from the other states of the federation because all the doctors, or almost all of them, were public servants, employees of the Federal Government. Political and administrative persecution of class leaders was a very common practice at that time and, therefore, no one wanted to expose themselves.
The then President of AMR, Dr. Aparício Carvalho de Morais, delegated the arduous mission of founding the Union to Dr. Samuel Castiel Júnior. However, for this to happen, there was a need to create, in the first instance, a Professional Association of Physicians of Rondônia, which required two years of regular operation to become a Union.
Therefore, the medical category of the State was convened for a meeting in September 1982, whose purpose was the creation of the Professional Association of Doctors of Rondônia (APMRO), which took place in the auditorium of the Commercial Association of Rondônia, located in the commercial center of Porto Velho.
In the medical class, there were several candidates for elective positions and, during the meeting, some candidates tried to give a political character to the meeting, aiming to support a certain candidate for state deputy. To settle the mood, it was agreed to join the two competing slates. Dr. José Adelino da Silva was the president, while Dr. Samuel Castiel Júnior was the vice president.
The year after the partisan election, Dr. Samuel Castiel assumed the presidency after his colleague Adelino resigned. After the necessary two years had passed, Dr. Samuel sought out the Regional Labor Office of Rondônia to begin the transformation of the Professional Association into the Medical Union of Rondônia.
At that time, the then Minister of Labor was Dr. Almir Pazzionoto, who mobilized thousands of metallurgists from the ABC region of São Paulo during the 1978 strike. came out in less than six months, when the waiting time reached almost two years.