Spectora Inspection Software

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Modern, Fast, Easy-to-Use Home Inspection Software by Spectora. Mac and PC compatible.

The Spectora mobile home inspection app is designed to sync seamlessly with your Spectora desktop home inspection software.

Spectora is home inspection software for the modern home inspector. We combine our smart home inspection report writing software with business tools & automation to help home inspectors grow their business through online channels and real estate agent referrals.

Modern home inspectors need to have a quick and easy-to-use report writer that outputs helpful home inspection reports that agents and buyers love. Say goodbye to walls of text that clients loathe. Say hello to a beautiful, image-centric home inspection report that is a breeze to create and easy to navigate.

Whether you have a Mac or PC, iPhone, Android, or Windows phone or tablet, Spectora is the best home inspection report writing software that provides an experience in line with what you've come to expect from modern software and apps.

Spectora Mobile Home Inspection Software Features:

*Cloud syncing so your home inspection report is on your desktop when you get home
*Simple, clean layout and navigation
*Save default comments for any section, item or defect (big time saver for common recommendations & defects!)
*Customizable to suit your workflow
*Photo editor w/ arrows/circles to point out defects
*Multiple photos per defect
*Large tap targets
*Breadcrumbs for quick navigation

Spectora Mobile requires a Spectora account. Free trials are available risk-free.


Learn how the Spectora Home Inspection platform can save you time and help you grow your home inspection business - no gimmicks.
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-avg, 2023

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