Connect with the people you meet every day and find their information organized and always updated in your Dynamic Address Book. Enter the world of SpeedLives, real evolved Business Speed Dates and meet new interesting people with whom to establish valuable professional relationships.
How many times have you thought that you would need to expand your network to look for a new job or to have more opportunities to do business? And how many times have you attended an event, a conference, a webinar, where you would have liked to have a chat with other participants, but haven't found the right way to break the ice? From today with Speed2Net all you have to do is create your profile, sign up for a SpeedLive and focus on the experience of meeting new interesting people. Speed2Net will take care of everything else.
Participate in the advanced SpeedLive Business Speed Dating Meetings where you will meet interesting people in face-to-face rotating meetings both live and online. The application will guide you step by step, indicating who to meet and where, marking the timing of each meeting with visual and sound indications.
Use it live to connect with people you meet and want to add to your network. Choose the profile with the information you prefer and connect by simply touching the phone. Exchange your profiles even with those who do not yet have the App by generating a QR code which, once read by the camera, will transfer the information directly to their phone's address book. Use Matching in SpeedLives to connect with the people you meet with the most suitable profile.
The Speed2Net address book is the container for all your Networking activities in and out of events. It is a real address book from which you can call, write, massage or access social profiles or websites directly. Plus, it's dynamic! Imagine you are connected to a person who changes their phone number one day. The new number will be automatically updated on your address book and you won't need to do anything except call her for a greeting or a new project.
But that's not all, when you participate in a SpeedLive and do a Matching with a new contact, you will receive a Feed-back from this person on your meeting and you can mark your notes in his profile, called Insight, to remember you also in future the details that most impressed you and the reasons why your new contact seemed interesting to you. No more business cards of people you don't remember where you met and what they do: your Speed2Net address book contains all the information you need and never knew how to organize.
Are you a company and want to organize SpeedLives? Create a Master profile and find out how it is now easy to create networking opportunities for your customers / employees. People who participate in events, conferences or webinars often have the need to network with other participants. With Speed2Net you will have the ability to organize SpeedLives to help your customers get to know each other quickly and easily, with an innovative dynamic completely managed by the App. You will be able to program the SpeedLives at the end of your event, both in presence and online, also creating hybrid events and thus exploiting the enormous potential for involvement provided by Phygital Networking. In addition, in your dedicated dynamic address book you will be able to view the registration information of all your attendees, along with their feedback on the events you have organized. They will always be up to date so you can be sure you can get them involved in the future. To become a Master, contact Speed2Net Customer Care and find out the formula that suits you best.
Discover the Phygital Networking revolution: join Speed2Net!