- Disclaimer
The "Urna - Simulador Eleições 2024" application has no affiliation with the Brazilian Government or any government entity. The information presented about the candidates is based on public and reliable sources, but does not represent official government data.
Data sources:
- https://dadosabertos.camara.leg.br
- https://www12.senado.leg.br/dados-abertos
- https://divulgacandcontas.tse.jus.br/divulga
- https://www.tse.jus.br/eleicoes/resultados-eleicoes
Prepare for the elections with an interactive and educational experience! Our voting simulator was developed to give you authentic practice on how to vote for all available positions in the general election, replicating the experience of being in front of a real voting machine. The intuitive interface and engaging design guarantee quick, effective and enjoyable learning for any citizen interested in the electoral process.
When you start, you'll find a template election already set up, complete with a series of fictional candidates for each position up for grabs, including mayor and councilor. As votes are entered, the system instantly updates the results, allowing you to track the number of votes and percentages of support received by each candidate in real time. Vote as if you were in a real election and see how democracy works in practice.
For an even more personalized experience, the simulator offers the option of creating your own elections. You can define the positions to be filled and add candidates, including photos, to simulate specific scenarios. This functionality is especially useful in educational environments, such as classrooms, where teachers and students can explore the electoral process in a practical and engaging way. The simulation of elections for mayor and councilor allows citizens to better understand local politics and the importance of voting consciously.
Democracy is everyone's right and our simulator was created to strengthen this principle. As a citizen, it is essential to understand the importance of voting and how it influences politics and public administration. Through simulation, each citizen can familiarize themselves with the electoral process and prepare to vote in an informed and responsible manner. Each candidate inserted in the simulator represents an opportunity to learn about the role of elected officials and the importance of voting.
Our goal is to promote political and electoral education, allowing each citizen to feel prepared to vote and actively participate in democracy. Vote with confidence, understand the role of a mayor and a councilor, and see how every vote counts. Politics is a fundamental part of every citizen's life, and our tool aims to make this knowledge accessible and engaging.
Try our election simulator and see how easy and important it is to participate in the electoral process. Democracy depends on the active participation of each citizen, and voting is the most powerful tool we have to influence politics and public administration. Vote, participate and help build a better future through democracy.
It is important to highlight that, although the simulator provides a realistic simulation of the voting process, it is strictly an educational instrument and has no connection with the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) or other official bodies. Use our tool to familiarize yourself with the democratic process and exercise your right to vote with confidence and knowledge. The simulation of elections for mayor and councilor is a valuable tool for any citizen who wants to better understand politics and democracy.