Prayer Times Today app - Thai Muslims is a prayer time notification application, Prayer Times for Muslims in Thailand, tells the daily prayer times. Along with a compass to find the direction of Qiblah Hijri calendar Ramadan Calendar Holy days Quran scroll Allah's name And can search for nearby mosques or halal restaurants
- Notification of prayer times in Thailand / Azan prayer times / Islamic prayer times
- Prayer time today
- Compass indicating Qiblat direction (Qiblat Finder) and facing Qiblat prayer direction.
- Hijri calendar / Muslim calendar / Islamic Calendar
- Ramadan
- The Holy Quran The complete text in Arabic has a sound of reading, translations and recitations.
- 99 Names of Allah With the meaning stated in the Quran
- Map of halal restaurants and mosques
- Prayer times all over Thailand
- Prayer time Bangkok
- Pattani prayer time
- Prayer time Yala
- Narathiwat prayer time
- Phatthalung prayer time
- Satun prayer time