Any small topic that is troubling you or a part of syllabus that is troubling you? We got the solution. We provide even smallest topics for you. Each topic comes with Class Practice Problems(CPP), Assignments, and test. The level is just around the real papers. We also have Unique Test Seires (UTS) in which you can take multiple tests of a chapter till the performance has improved. It also has multiple Unit Tests(UTs) which cover multiple chapters. It is followed with Full Tests(FTs) which have complete syllabus. All in all it has anything and everything you may need to prepare for IITJEE / NEET.
With best of faculty who have rich experience of producing results, we strive to give you the best. You may compare our levels with any national coaching academies.
The best part is we are totally serious about your selection. No nonsensical Join button call outs, Like button call outs….. No time wastage, no advertisements. Lean and clean teaching! We believe in Judo Learning – Minimum effort maximum output.
You may download the courses on your device and use it without internet as well. NO DISTRACTIONS!
All questions are solved. You get the solution after every attempt.
Our courses start from as low as Rs. 250/