Western Hills Church

Classificazione dei contenuti
Età: 13+
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Informazioni su questa app

Benvenuti nella app Western Hills Church ufficiale!

Scopri tutti i tipi di contenuti interessanti e condividili con gli amici tramite Facebook, Twitter o e-mail.

Per ulteriori informazioni su Western Hills Church, visitare: http://www.westernhills.org/

L'app Western Hills Church è stata sviluppata con la piattaforma App Subsplash.
Ultimo aggiornamento
1 ago 2020

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New in Messaging (if enabled):
- You can send files to one another
- You can mention someone using an @ symbol to notify them directly.
- Channel managers can restrict channel invites to managers
- Managers can also set artwork and descriptions for a group channel
- Administers can set channels to be public for anyone to join

- Media playback now stops when you force close the app
- Fixed a Messaging issue causing link previews to cause the channel to crash