AI2 Store is a store where you can purchase and download any of the extensions or AIA project files for MIT App Inventor, Kodular , and Niotron, companion by Sumit Kumar.
I provide various most useful extensions for MIT AI2, Kodular Fenix and Niotron such as OneSignal push notification extension, Orientation fix extension, Admob ads extension, Deep Link extension, Firebase Cloud Messaging(FCM) extension, InApp Billing extension, Chat GPT Dalle Image API extension and various type of Recycler List View extensions like Chat View and Custom List View. I also provide many services like dynamic component schema generator and deep link generator for android apps.
You can implement these extensions in your app made in MIT AI2, Kodular or Niotron. Proper documentation and youtube tutorials are available for the guiding you on implementing the extension. You can ask for support by just contacting me on the AI2 Store or just email me your query, I will try my best to solve your issue.