Crazy Spa Day with Daddy

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18,8 ming ta sharh
5 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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It’s Jessica’s birthday, and her dream b-day gift is a makeover spa resort day with Daddy! Of course he says yes - anything for his little girl! A makeover day at the spa is not exactly Daddy’s idea of a good time, and he has no idea what adventures are in store for him. He’s in for the surprise of his life - let’s hope he likes it! Get ready for luxurious spa beauty salon treatments - all together with Daddy!
Everyone’s nails, hair, skin and minds deserve a bit of luxury every once in awhile!

It’s your job to make sure Jessica’s makeover adventure birthday is amazing… and that Daddy doesn’t quit in the middle! He’s the manliest of men, and he is not used to spa days. Get soothing spa treatments, including a mani pedi, facial, and more! Even Daddy will get his nails done! Getting pampered at the spa has never been so fun!


> Daddy may have said yes to a spa birthday… but he could really use some encouragement! He’s not used to spas or beauty salons! Keep him happy!
> Design and decorate the spa and make it look great for Jessica’s makeover birthday celebration! Get the jacuzzi ready too!
> What’s a spa day without a cozy robe? Dress up Jessica and Daddy in colorful robes that you design yourself. Don’t forget the fuzzy slippers!
> Get your nails done with Daddy - warn him about the little fish that will nibble on his feet so he doesn’t freak out!
> Decorate Jessica’s and Daddy’s hands and feet with cool stickers, and choose beautiful polish colors and patterns for your toenails and fingernails.
> Makeover time in the spa beauty salon! Convince Daddy that he’ll like it. Give him a shave, then make him pretty with shiny lip balm, exquisite eyeliner and shimmery blush!
> No point in a makeover if you’re going to keep the same old hairstyle, right? Use a special hairdressing helmet to create lots of new hairstyles. Add fun hair accessories like bows and colorful braids.
> Uh-oh! Daddy’s hairdressing helmet exploded in the spa beauty salon! Take him to the doctor so he can continue the spa birthday celebration adventure!
> Surprise! Daddy is throwing Jessica a birthday party at the spa! Decorate the party with balloons and streamers, and design a delicious cake!
> No spa beauty salon adventure day is complete without a facial. Make and apply your own face masks - will you choose chocolate honey or banana avocado?
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-okt, 2023

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