Rising Lovers, Otome Novel

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29,3 ming ta sharh
500 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

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Rising Lovers, the Best Visual Novel

Best romantic visual novel with attractive male characters. You’re playing the main girl character. Fairy tale in an otome game. It has an incredible love & lust story behind.

Play the character of a young girl in this visual novel enter in love triangle and romance stories. Discover your new love life and lovers on the other side of the world.

Rising Lovers depends on the choices you make, there is no one else but you to decide how your romantic story moves forward!!

Are you ready to make a perfect love story in this romantic simulator?
It’s a must have a visual novel game on your Android device if you like roleplaying or dating simulator games.

How to Play

Register through the otome game and choose a name for your girl character.

Start reading the visual novel, make your own choices in the story when you are asked to.

Interact with handsome guys and find your own prince charming.

Game-Play Features

Classic Otome Game
Amazing Love Story
Cute Graphics of Handsome Guys
Romantic Soundtrack
Interactive Visual Novel
Engaging Love & Lust Story
100% In English

So, you think you can make the right moves to find your prince charming in this dating sim game of love?
Challenge your skills girl!

Download It Now!!

Please contact us for any technical details: http://www.risinglovers.com/en-us/support.html.
Visit our website http://www.risinglovers.com/en-us/index.html
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-apr, 2020

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