Jon Chermack
The app works to order but my updated information never changes. My phone number is still my landline and I've tried to update it numerous times over the past couple years. It also locks up whenever I try to sign up for the rewards portion. Overall, I feel like a freshmen in high school could have designed a better app.
1 person found this review helpful
Gary Bell
Just use the website. That's actually what this app is attempting to do, using WebView. The app is beyond buggy. I have yet to be able to place an order using it, after several attempts. This is due to the app not allowing me to tap the cart icon. The app continually throws errors, forcing me to restart. It appears that the devs performed zero QA before releasing and appears there are no plans to refactor/update, as there have been no updates, even after all of the poor reviews.
11 people found this review helpful