Please note the TrackTrans POD app is designed to work with the TrackTrans Transport Management System (TMS).
To register for a free trial of TMS please go to http://www.tracktrans.com/free-trial/
The TrackTrans POD App allows jobs to be easily and quickly sent from your TMS straight to your driver's mobile. Drivers also receive full address details, references, quantities, instructions and the order in which the jobs should be completed.
Logistics / Remote Workers
* Receive live Proof of Deliveries complete with name, signature and co-ordinates.
* Scan packages on and off of vehicles
* Send new jobs / loads to the App from any internet connected PC.
* Problem and comment fields give instant updates on delivery issues.
* Integrated tracking allows you to monitor where your drivers are throughout the day
Car Delivery
* Record registration, make and model.
* Record contents at collection - V5C, service book, locking wheel nut etc.
* Record scratches, dents etc through the interactive car graphic.
* Take photos that are automatically sent back to office.
* Record collection and delivery mileage, fuel level, date, time and signature
Telecom / Equipment Installation
* Track consignment from warehouse, through transport networks to engineers and third parties.
* SKU level detail for each consignment including serial numbers, unique references and more
* On installation operator ticks off or scans which items were installed, not required, faulty etc.
* Add labels to any decommissioned / old returning stock to associate them to that job and address.
* Items that were not installed create balance jobs in TMS allowing them to be re-assigned, returned or re-issued.