This application has been designed to assist Ohio Registered Voters find their Polling location and other election related material by County. Check the status of your registration as well as Sample ballots all from a single app. Look up Status of Absentee Ballots and find your Polling Location with the easy to use functions included in the App.
This app only supports those counties that have published information using the web file uploads provided by TRIAD GSI. Not all counties in Ohio contract with TRIAD GSI for these web services, and will not work with the app. If you would like your county supported by this application, please contact your local Board of Elections and ask them to contact TRIAD GSI to obtain information on how they can be added to this application.
Disclaimer: TRIAD GSI is a third-party company that provides services for Board of Elections in Ohio. We do not represent any Ohio Board of Elections, and all information is gathered from their official websites at and it's sub-sites.